MBS College Coaching, LLC

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It's not the name; it's the fit that matters

About Me
I completed my UCLA certification in college admissions counseling in 2014. During this two-year process, I took courses in financial aid, career and test assessment, student-athletes/students with disabilities/fine arts, and completed an 8-week practicum in a post-secondary high school counseling office.
I graduated from Kenyon College, Gambier, OH, and swam all four years. My oldest son is also a graduate of Kenyon and my youngest son swam at Connecticut College, New London, CT. He was recruited by several Division 1 programs but decided a D3 school was best for him.
My oldest is now an Ob/Gyn resident at the University of Iowa. My youngest is beginning his second year of law school at the University of Connecticut.
Contact Me
Your journey to the right school can begin today!
MBS College Coaching, LLC
1711 Illini Road
Springfield, IL 62704